This procedure can also be used on other operating systems. Your VMware Tools are now installed and should work as it would on a normal VMware Tools installation. A reboot may be required to load the necessary kernel modules.

Where you can download images from your nearest mirror servers.This post describes how you can download and install the latest version of VMware Tools to a linux guest from a ESXi 5.0 host. The above link will redirect your to the download mirrors list page.

A torrent link is also available for all ISO images to download images using the torrent software. Use the following links to download the latest CentOS 7.9 ISO images from CentOS official download page or its mirror pages. You can also use this tutorial to upgrade your CentOS 7 to the latest version. The CentOS project has announced a new update to the distribution, releasing CentOS 7.9 which is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9. A user can download and use this enterprise-level operating system free of cost. CentOS is a Linux operating system, which is a 100% compatible rebuild of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux.