Some characters are be unlocked naturally by progressing through the storyline, while others require a character token to unlock them for purchase at the store. Slide down the pole to start the bonus level. Pull the grapple point to the left of the bookcase to reveal a secret passage. Switch to Batman or any character with a grapple gun. When in the trophy room, fly to the far right to reach the studio set, which looks similar to the Wayne Manor study in the 1966 Batman TV show. Go to the Batcave's main room, and fly up to the elevator with the Bat-logo to the left of the Batcomputer. Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Same Bat-Time! Same Bat-Channel!" bonus level. Use any stud multiplier to make this even more effective. Keep extinguishing the fire with Superman to get as many studs as desired. Initiate his freeze-breath to extinguish the fire and get studs for it, but the fire will immediately return. Switch to Superman, and walk in the middle of the fires. This will get rid of the Brainiac tentacles on the top of the stairs, and fire should replace them. Switch to any character that has an electricity suit (put on infinite electricity, if desired), and fill the port on the left. On the right side is an electric field, and on the left an electric port. Go to the first part, and progress from the start until you reach the point where you are facing a large Brainiac skull in a symmetrical room.

Play "The Lantern Menace" level in Free Play mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: Pause the game, select the "Extras" option, and choose the "Enter Code" selection.